PC-SIG: Essential Home & Business
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Upgrading to Version 2.2 of Thesaur Plus:
1) Upgrading from 2.1
Do not overwrite the .CFG file, but you need to reconfigure
2) Using 2.0 or earlier
Replace every file except THESPLUS.MOD (if it exists)
Do not leave any of the old version .EXE's, .DAT, .NDX.
if you have the file THESPLUS.MOD you need to run ADDMOD.EXE
after everything is installed to add your personal changes to the
new data format.
Note to registered users:
Your registration password still works. Use the same commands
as you did when I mailed you your disk and instructions. In the future
if you don't overwrite your .CFG file you will not even have to do
this to upgrade. If you forgot your registration number/password, please
send a SASE, and I'll give it to you again (No problem!).
History of updates Since 2.0
April 10, 1990
Thesaur Plus v2.2 Major Update/design change.
!!! Thesaur Plus RAM requirement now ONLY 24k !!!!
This is a tremendous reduction from version 2.1
which required 69k.
Thesaur Plus has been redesigned in the way it
handles it's data. A new file THESPLUS.SRT is
now used, and allows much greater flexibility in
the data file in adding new words. in version 2.1 and
below when you added a synonym it was recorded only under
a main entry. If you tried to search for it, it
would not be found. Version 2.2 removes this problem
and allows any word you add to be found by the thesaurus
as a main entry, and can be treated like any of the
original words. This feature was requested so often I HAD
to discover a way to implement it. This is the only
thesaurus available that has this feature!
There are two ways to add words in Thesaur. The
first is to add a synonym to an already existing
word. The second is to add a whole new word - The
difference between the two is that when you add a
synonym it is added to the database and also
hooked to the current word. When you add a new
word it is just added to the database with no
synonyms yet.
Both Thesaur and Thesaur Plus will be a little slower than
before in finding words (more noticeable in Thesaur) but
this was a neccessary evil to receive the new flexibility.
Thesaur now also accepts a word on the command line.
which works like this....
New Program - ADDMOD.EXE
If you have previously added words to Thesaur Plus,
then you have the file THESPLUS.MOD with your changes.
The new data file format means you must lose all of your
changes to take advantage of the new format - Not to worry!
just run ADDMOD.EXE with the files THESPLUS.MOD,
directory, and within minutes you will have all of your
changes/addtions incorporated in the new version!
This is why it is a good idea to always keep the
thesplus.mod file available!
Registrations of Thesaur Plus are somewhat
slow. Please register Thesaur Plus.
April 1, 1990.
Thesaur Plus v2.1 Update Release
Fix of Several minor bugs mostly located in
the ADD synonyms section of Thesaur, and in
handling of the .MOD file.
All files now use THESPLUS.CFG for color, hotkey
and registration information. This information
used to be included in THESPLUS.EXE but has been
moved to the .CFG file now. Nothing is changed from
the way the program works, nor is there added
commands to use it. The THESPLUS.CFG file MUST be
in the same directory as the THESPLUS.EXE file.
LZEXE is now being used on THESPLUS.EXE,
ADDMOD.EXE for decreased File Size.
Many internal changes that do not affect the output
of the program were worked on. They are in expectation
of version 2.2
March, 1990 - Small Cosmetic changes, Minor bug
February, 1990 - Many file sizes were reduced
there is no loss/gain of features
What's New! with Thesaur Plus.....
New in Thesaur Plus for v2.0
and Thesaur v4.0
Released December, 1989
-> * means in direct response to a user suggestion <-
* - 20,000 more words - Total Close to 50,000 as of this version
* - Listing of synonyms changed to allow for up to 40 synonyms per word
- New data file format to allow for greater flexibility/more words/
and smaller size.
- Now, two files are used, a Data file and an Index file.
These two files together are about the same size as the previous
Data file (smaller actually), but hold 20,000 more words!
* - Memory Requirements lowered by 7-8K of RAM - Currently needs 69k of RAM
Can still use Diskswapping if you want, or EMS if available to
reduce RAM requirements to 10k.
* - No longer is a SET THESPLUS= required to tell Thesaur Plus the Data file
directory - it now automatically figures out the drive and directory
* - When a word is not found, a screen informing you of the fact, and asking
whether you want to try another word or quit is used instead of just
displaying the closest word (often unrelated)
* - Graphics Screens (CGA) are now supported with the /CGA command line switch
Note: Adds 16k to memory requirements. EGA and VGA graphic screens are
not supported at this time.
- The Cross Reference has been removed for the time being. The New data
format accomplishes much the same thing, and by using Alternate Word,
Backtrack you still have easy access to all the information
CONFIG.EXE (Previous file name was INSTALL.EXE)
- The Configuration/install program is now only 7k.
- This program no longer will copy the files for you - this
is a simple thing, and the space was needed for new features
* - This program no longer creates a batch file on C:\ to install
ThesPlus - All that is needed is to run the .EXE (and add any command
line options you want)
* - Can now be used to Configure Thesaur Plus even if you don't have a hard
drive as C:
- Note: This program modifies THESPLUS.CFG
* - Both of my thesaurus' have now been included on the same disk.
This disk now contains THESAUR in addition to THESAUR PLUS.
This program allows you to add and delete synonyms from the data file.
Works like ThesPlus.Exe but is not memory resident, and has
added features.
- Ability to add any synonym to the data file.
- Ability to delete synonyms - Poof
- Same commands exactly - you already know how to use it.
--> Replaces all previous versions of THESAUR
- Another new place to reach me has been made available - I can now be
reached via InterLink as Derrick Burgess in the Shareware Conference.
- A new place to discuss shareware and hosted by the ASP has just been opened
on CIS - GO SHAREWARE - I'll be there!
- You can now get a Shareware version directly from me for $6 - OR you can
send a Self Addressed Stamped Diskette Mailer and Disk, and I'll send
you the shareware version free. ($5 of the $6 can be applied to
registration later if you go that way)
- Documentation re-written to correspond to changes in ThesPlus.Exe
- Still only $20...... and now covers both Thesaur Plus AND Thesaur
With 2.x I hope that you are satisfied (for awhile) - if you are
a registered user, this is what your support has made possible,
if you are still considering registering, or this is your first
exposure to Thesaur Plus - Enjoy the current version, and
hopefully you will help support future advancements in Thesaur
Plus because I *DO* support it myself.
- Phone support has been added for ALL users, registered or not.
I will not turn you away if you are not registered (I never
have though). The only catch, is that I am not always
available, and the best time to catch me is in the evenings
on the days of Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday....You can
try at other times and I *Might* be there. That's PST for
those interested.....(The number is 818-347-2910 for those
that understood the above <Grin>)
Thank you for your interest and support of Thesaur and Thesaur Plus.
Derrick Burgess
Member ASP